The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) is a pan-African not-for-profit organisation based in Nairobi that aims to increase the capacity of African academic institutions and researchers to contribute stronger evidence based research on public policy that can have a positive impact on pro-poor development policies in Africa. It was established in response to the declining capacity in political and social science research output in sub-Saharan Africa.
Contact Info
6th Floor, I & M Building 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
We wish to inform all our partners and stakeholders that Prof. Omotade Akin Aina, having served a remarkable 6 years as the Executive Director of PASGR, left the organization in October 2020. Prof. Aina left PASGR at its peak, having successfully diversified its project portfolio and resources.
The process of identifying a new Executive Director for PASGR launched in 2020 was not conclusive and therefore, another search process is underway. The Board appointed Dr. Beatrice Muganda as the acting Executive Director. Dr. Muganda is currently providing leadership of all PASGR programmes, and, liaising with PASGR partners and donors.
Dr. Beatrice Muganda Acting Executive Director, PASGR (Secretary and ex officio Board member)