The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) is a pan-African not-for-profit organisation based in Nairobi that aims to increase the capacity of African academic institutions and researchers to contribute stronger evidence based research on public policy that can have a positive impact on pro-poor development policies in Africa. It was established in response to the declining capacity in political and social science research output in sub-Saharan Africa.
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6th Floor, I & M Building 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
Advocates of Women in Business and Governance have called for policy reforms to improve their inclusion in issues affecting society. Click to view:
This study describes and analyses urban governance processes using the Addis Abeba Light Rail Transit (AA-LRT), and the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP), as flagship projects that have turned the City of Addis Abeba around. The study utilized a political economy analysis and used PASGR’s urban governance analytical categories as guiding frameworks. FINAL The Governance […]
Forward Planning! That was the call to action by Dr Konyimbih a lands expert working with the National Land Commission during his address at the Utafiti Sera Forum convening organized by Pamoja Trust with funding from PASGR under the theme of Reflections on Urban Governance in Nairobi. This has been reposted from: CapitalFM: