The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) is a pan-African not-for-profit organisation based in Nairobi that aims to increase the capacity of African academic institutions and researchers to contribute stronger evidence based research on public policy that can have a positive impact on pro-poor development policies in Africa. It was established in response to the declining capacity in political and social science research output in sub-Saharan Africa.
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6th Floor, I & M Building 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
Illicit Transfers and Tax Reforms in Egypt: Mapping of the Literature and Synthesis of the Evidence
Illicit Transfers and Tax Reforms in Egypt: Mapping of the Literature and Synthesis of the Evidence
The purpose of this study was to synthesise the literature on IFFs and tax reforms in Egypt, map the key stakeholders and derive policy recommendations to improve, facilitate, or maximise the impact of existing initiatives or related key stakeholders. The study relied on a qualitative methodology based on a desk review that involves: a) Mapping and synthesising the available literature (including grey