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On 4th October 2022, The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) and KCA University signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will enable both organizations embed and catalyze systemic change in teaching and learning practices and to maximize learning outcomes through strategic interventions in higher education institutions across the continent.
PASGRs Higher Education Programme (HEP) seeks to strengthen the provision of graduate-level education by enriching the teaching and practice of social science research for public policy in Africa and facilitating collaborative higher education programme development and active communities of practice, while KCA University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) seeks to bridge the gap between expertise and conveyance of content and concepts to students through the creation of opportunities that support and promote adoption of digital technologies, teaching, and diverse learner-centered experiences, through collective partnerships.
Therefore, this agreement will enable both organizations to tap into each other’s strengths, share lessons and work towards conducting staff capacity development in higher education pedagogy through the Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL), explore opportunities to implement collaborative post-graduate academic programmes in public policy, provide research methods capacity strengthening for faculty and research students, undertake joint research and publications in areas of mutual interest and promote policy uptake.
During the MoU signing PASGR’s Executive Director, Dr. Anthony Mveyange noted that there is need to redefine how we think about education in Africa. He added that the partnership between PASGR and KCA University is key in building pedagogical skills needed going beyond the teacher and transforming the lives of young people in Africa.
KCA University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaiah Wakindiki also noted, the collaboration would enable the institution accomplish its strategic goals of achieving excellence in student success and faculty development.
The MoU signing at KCA University was preceded by a panel discussion on catalyzing systemic shifts from dominant traditional teaching models to more participatory, student-centered approaches. The panelists were Dr. Anthony Mveyange, Executive Director PASGR, Prof. Isaiah Wakindiki, Vice Chancellor KCA University. Prof. Wanjira Kinuthia Associate Professor of Instructional Design and Technology and Prof. Nyokabi Kamau Executive Director, Center for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST).
KCA University adds onto a list of 77 TVET or Mid-Level college and universities that PASGR has collaborated with to train on pedagogical skills.
Watch the event and panel discussion here.
A4EA AAU advanced research design African universities agriculture Applied Quantitative Methods APSP ARD CABE call for applications cash transfers COVID-19 employment energy EOI Featured higher education IDS INCLUDE Job opportunity LEAP Africa MMRC MRPP opportunities opportunity PAMOJA TRUST partnerships PASGR PDT pedagogy PedaL press release professional development and training professional training public policy Research research methods scholarships social protection Social sciences University of Ibadan University of Pretoria utafiti sera vacancy Youth employment
6th Floor, I & M Building
2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 76418-00508
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 2985000;
+254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
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