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- 6th Floor, I & M Building 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
- +254 (0)20 2985000; +254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
- Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm
Addressing Africa’s developmental challenges calls for a unique African perspective in the contextualization of policy priorities to spur the continent into sustainable trajectories of growth and development. As a Pan African institution established in 2011, PASGR is mandated to enhance research excellence in governance and public policy. With a footprint in over 20 African countries; PASGR supports the production and dissemination of policy-relevant research; designs and delivers professional development courses for research and policy professionals; and facilitates the development of collaborative higher education programmes that meet the needs of students, employers, and societies in Africa.
Through the Higher Education Programme (HEP), PASGR has advanced excellence in public policy scholarship by strengthening quality training of social science researchers and policy practitioners in the continent. The Masters of Research in Public Policy (MRPP) and Pedagogical leadership (PEDAL) have nurtured research and public policy professionals across the globe. As a flagship project for HEP, MRPP has leveraged on strategic partnerships whose collaboration has fostered accreditation of the Masters programme in 7 African counties across 13 Universities in Eastern, Western and Southern Africa.
Since its inception, over 300 graduands have been conferred with degrees at the University of Nairobi, Egerton University, Maseno University, Uganda Martyrs university, Uganda Christian University, Mzumbe university, University of Dar es salaam, University of Ibadan, University of Lagos, University of Jos, University of Ghana, University of Sierra Leone and University of Botswana.
To catalyze a systemic transformation in teaching and learning in Universities, PASGR in collaboration with PEDAL, embarked on a capacity-strengthening exercise amongst Social sciences and STEM teaching staff of the partner universities. Funded by SPHEIR, PEDAL champions use of holistic and blended approaches in teaching and learning to produce quality graduates. Since its inception, PEDAL has registered exceptional learning moments having reached 2806 academic staff across 94 Universities and 41 TVETs/Mid Level Colleges. Extensive stakeholder engagements with reference to international pedagogical standards, yielded improved curricula for the programmes, subsequently improved graduate skills aligned to the employment market. Institutionalization of PEDAL in partner universities and establishing communities of practices around PEDAL, has sustained pedagogical practice and leadership through Alliance for Research Universities in Africa (ARUA), Institute of Development Studies(IDS) of the University of Sussex, UK, Egerton University, Uganda Martyrs University, University of Dar es Salaam, University of Ghana and University of Ibadan.
Broadly through its MRPP and PEDAL programmes, PASGR has invested in higher education initiatives targeting certain underrepresented groups to prioritize accessible and inclusive higher education in Africa. For public policy scholarships and higher education opportunities, keep checking our website and the HEP blog series for more information.
A4EA AAU advanced research design African universities agriculture Applied Quantitative Methods APSP ARD CABE call for applications cash transfers COVID-19 employment energy EOI Featured higher education IDS INCLUDE Job opportunity LEAP Africa MMRC MRPP opportunities opportunity PAMOJA TRUST partnerships PASGR PDT pedagogy PedaL press release professional development and training professional training public policy Research research methods scholarships social protection Social sciences University of Ibadan University of Pretoria utafiti sera vacancy Youth employment
6th Floor, I & M Building
2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 76418-00508
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 2985000;
+254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
Legal counsel provided by Hurwit & Associates and Muthoga Gaturu & Co. Advocates