Contact Info
- 6th Floor, I & M Building 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
- +254 (0)20 2985000; +254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
- Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm
Keynote Speakers:
Tade Akin Aina Executive Director, Partnership for African Social Governance and Research (PASGR), Nairobi, Kenya.
Tatiana Carayannis Director, Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum, Understanding Violent Conflict, China-Africa Knowledge Project, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Brooklyn, USA.
Bhekinkosi Moyo Director, The Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI), Wits Business School, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Moderators: Maribel Morey & Lars Trägårdh ESBH, Center on Civil Society Research Philanthropy and Democracy Program
the FOURTH annual seminar on philanthropy:
VIRTUAL Seminar Thursday, MAY 14, 2020 10:00-15:30, Stockholm Time
For Further Seminar Details, Please Register by Emailing
10.00-10.05 Welcome by Magnus Karlsson, Head of the Center on Civil Society Research, ESBH 10.05-10.10 Introduction by Lars Trägårdh, Director of the Philanthropy and Democracy Program at ESBH 10.10-10.20 Introduction by Maribel Morey, HistPhil co-editor and Guest Researcher, Philanthropy and Democracy Program at ESBH
I. Philanthropic Practices and Philanthropy Research in Africa
10.20-10.45 Keynote I: Bhekinkosi Moyo, The Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI), Wits Business School, Johannesburg, South Africa: Philanthropy in Africa Today 10.45-11.00 Q&A with Bhekinkosi Moyo led by Tade Akin Aina, Partnership for African Social Governance and Research (PASGR), Nairobi, Kenya
Keynote II: Tade Akin Aina, Understanding African Philanthropy and Philanthropy in Africa
11.25-11.40 Q&A with Tade Akin Aina led by Bhekinkosi Moyo 11.40-12.15 Q&A with Tade Akin Aiana and Bhekinkosi Moyo led by Maribel Morey, ESBH
12.15-13.30 Break
II. International Civil Society and Africa 13.30-14.00 Keynote III: Tatiana Carayannis, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Brooklyn, USA, The Third United Nations
14.00-14.15 Q&A with Tatiana Carayannis led by Lars Trägårdh, ESBH
14.15-14.35 Tade Akin Aina, Africa and International Order beyond Neoliberalism 14.35-15.00 Q&A with Tade Akin Aina led by Tatiana Carayannis
III. Closing Remarks
15.00-15.20 Bhekinkosi Moyo, Some Final Reflections on Philanthropy in Africa
15.20-15.30 Final Q&A with virtual audience led by Maribel Morey
the Fourth annual seminar on philanthropy
F o r F u r t h e r S E m i n a r D e t a i l s , P l e a s e R e g i s t e r b y E m a i l i n g m a r i b e l . M o r e y @ e s h . s e
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6th Floor, I & M Building
2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 76418-00508
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 2985000;
+254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
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