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In 2018, the Partnership for Africa Social and Governance Research (PASGR) in collaboration with Water Witness International, and selected stakeholders in the water sector, convened in Arusha, Tanzania to conceptualize a research and action programme to strengthen accountability practices in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector. This meeting was preceded by a 12-month period of evidence review and multiple stakeholders engagements within and beyond the WASH sector in the focus countries of Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Liberia. A subsequent meeting was held in Dar es Salaam contributing to the collation of knowledge gaps, refinement of areas of inquiry and identification of evidence needs for policy and reform.
These wide and in-depth consultative engagements culminated to the Accountability for Water Programme (AfW), and the formation of the AfW consortium, which includes the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), Water Witness International, Water Witness Ethiopia, Shahidi Wa Maji and the Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network (KEWASNET). The Programme’s inception meeting was held on 10th December 2018 at Edinburg. The project was structured into two phases: The first phase focused on three work streams: (1) generation of robust knowledge and evidence; (2) evidence sharing and uptake of generated evidence to advance policy, practice and intervention programmes that harness accountability in water; and (3) the AfW programme sought to establish a legacy for researchers and practitioners to collaborate and advance accountability practice at national and global levels. The three focus case study sites, in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia representing diverse political, social and environmental contexts. Zambia, Zimbabwe and Liberia provided additional sites for exploratory research and comparison.
To enhance capacity of professionals in water governance and accountability within the aforementioned countries, the project identified and offered research grants to 15 Professional Research Fellows (PRFs) attached to local institutions in focus countries to engage in comprehensive research and evidence uptake. With the support of selected implementation partners such as national and global policy-evidence practitioners, the PRFs studied the complexities that propel or hinder accountability in WASH. These studies explored the nexus of government – civil society – community dynamics, existence of an enabling environment to foster accountability, and duty bearers’ duties and responsibilities in stimulating accountability.
To foster relevance and legacy which are integral in the AfW work, the project adopted a model of co-creation and co-production to incorporate ideas of diverse stakeholders. Generated evidence has been packaged for both scientific and policy communication leading to publication of research paper in academic journals, development of reports, policy briefs, and infographics for dissemination to targeted stakeholders. Additional efforts have been made to validate generated evidence with a particular focus on mainstreaming of marginalized voices in the research, validation and dissemination phases of the research. A number of dissemination workshops have been held in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania to expand project visibility, communicate research findings and call to action form the government, civil society organisations, community and water management instutions to improve water governance and accountability for enhance service delivery.
To take stock of the past project successes, reflect on existing challenges in the water sector and accelerate actions towards water sector reforms, the AfW programme has organized a final dissemination and uptake convening at Sarova Whitesands Hotel between January 23 and 24, 2023. The workshop will reflect on the AfW programme successes and challenges, which will provide solid lessons for the next phase of the programme. Targeting over 60 participants from a diverse set of stakeholders, the workshop aims to share and critique research findings from the AfW programme, facilitate stakeholder deliberations and feedback, and to develop actionable action plans towards the actualization of sustainable water management and WASH service delivery.
A4EA AAU advanced research design African universities agriculture Applied Quantitative Methods APSP ARD CABE call for applications cash transfers COVID-19 employment energy EOI Featured higher education IDS INCLUDE Job opportunity LEAP Africa MMRC MRPP opportunities opportunity PAMOJA TRUST partnerships PASGR PDT pedagogy PedaL press release professional development and training professional training public policy Research research methods scholarships social protection Social sciences University of Ibadan University of Pretoria utafiti sera vacancy Youth employment
6th Floor, I & M Building
2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 76418-00508
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0)20 2985000;
+254 (0)729 111031 / +254 (0)731 000065
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